Saturday, December 19, 2009

6 Months Old

I can't believe we are half way through Layton's first year. He is growing up way too fast. I still look back at these pictures and can't believe how much he has changed in 6 months. This was him the day after he was born.

And here he is today in front of the Christmas tree

Here is what our little man is up to these days. Layton is becoming more interactive with us everyday and we are having so much fun with him. He now sleeps from 9:30-8:00 on the weekends and after I feed him he will go back to sleep until 10. Clifton has trained him to sleep in which is awesome. During the week I still wake him up to feed him at 5:30 before work but he goes right back to sleep. He takes 3 naps usually and they are about 45 minutes to 2 hours depending on the day. He can say dada and when he is upset that is what he says over and over. He is now eating cereal in the morning once he wakes up for the day and eats about 2 oz. of a vegetable at night. We just started fruits yesterday and he had some banana but he wasn't a big fan. We discovered at the doctor today he has two bottom teeth now. His other one broke through and you can see the sharp white point coming up. He loves to play pattycake, loves to be read to as long as he can turn the pages, likes to laugh with daddy, can sit up like a big boy now and he enjoys his exersaucer and jumperoo. He is constantly drooling and sticks everything in his mouth. He is really reaching and grabbing for anything within his reach now. He is also strong enough now to put himself in the crawl position and will rock back and forth.

It is crazy to think that 6 months ago this is how daddy and Layton played and now
this is how they play together
All ready to go to church:

Sitting on my new bench that my Great Grandma Hill bought me for my first Christmas:

We took him to the doctor today and here are his 6 month stats:

Weight: 19 lbs. 12 oz. (83rd percentile)
Height: 28 inches (91st percentile)

I just love it when babies sleep with their little butts up in the air. I was finally able to catch Layton sleeping like this today. So precious!
I hope we have a good night tonight after all the shots he got today. After his 4 month shots we had a rough 2 weeks of him waking up multiple times so I'm hoping he will sleep soundly all night. Until next time . . . .

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