I took Layton swimming on Tuesday after work at my parent's house and I was a little worried about it being too chilly for him. He was a bit cautious at first but once he got used to the cold water he started splashing and laughing. He was laughing so hard when he would splash himself he was cracking me up it was hilarious! I pushed him around in his float and he made his little motor boat noises and just couldn't get enough. He is fearless which is a little scary. He kept trying to jump out of my arms when I was holding him. He was real good about kicking and paddling so I can't wait to teach him how to swim once he gets a bit older. He thinks he is a fish already. This is going to be a fun summer with lots of swimming I'm sure!

Tomorrow Lauren and Daniel are scheduled to have Kyleigh at 12:30 so we are all very excited about meeting her. More pictures to come of Kyleigh's big arrival!
Here is a short video my mom took of Layton splashing and laughing.
He is SO cute! That laugh is contagious. Looks like you've got a little fish on your hands...