Monday, February 6, 2012

Molly is a Month Old!!!

Friday Molly turned a month old I still can't believe it.  It seems like it went by really fast but was also the longest month of my life too.  I guess lack of sleep and being stuck at home for a whole month will do that to you.  I've been so paranoid about taking Molly out in public because of everything that is going around this time of year.  I'm just praying Layton won't get sick and give it to Molly since he is still going to school three days a week.  The last few days have been so much better.  Last night I fed her at midnight and got her right to sleep and she slept until 6 this morning.  It was so nice to get some nice uninterrupted sleep. 

I went back to the lactation consultant on Friday for her weight check and she weighed 11 lbs. exactly.  She was 10 lbs. 3 oz. the week before so she gained plenty of weight this last week so now I don't have to worry so much about feedings.  It has gotten much easier and she has been wanting to eat every 2 hours the last two days during the day.  We really haven't gotten into a schedule yet it just depends on when she wakes up in the morning and that kind of sets our schedule for the day.  We have been giving her 1 oz. of breast milk first thing in the morning and last feeding at night mixed with her Zantac medicine and then I feed her myself once she finishes that.  She has done really well taking a bottle so that is good.  She usually eats for about 45 minutes and then stays awake for about 45 minutes and then sleeps until it is time to eat again during the day.  She only takes about 30 minute naps during the day unless you are holding her.  If you hold her she will sleep for 2 hours.  She loves to be held and I hold her too much according to Clifton but I know she is only this little for so long so I'm enjoying every minute of it.  She loves it when I put her in the moby wrap too and goes right to sleep.  I've been using that a lot in the evenings when I'm trying to cook dinner and I need both hands. 

I've had so many people ask how Layton is doing with everything.  He has adjusted well but I'm not going to lie the last two weeks his behavior hasn't been that great.  He loves to be the center of attention and I spend so much time on the couch feeding Molly I know it has affected him.  I've tried to come up with fun things for us to do while I feed her but bottom line is I just don't have as much time to just play with him now.  It breaks my heart but at the same time he is so sweet with Molly.  He wants to hold her and help me change her diaper and talks to her when she is crying.  He has only asked me one time "Mommy can Molly go back into your tummy?" LOL.  He likes to watch her do tummy time and will lay right next to her and talk to her it is too cute.

Here he is playing with mommy's phone and watching Molly do tummy time.

 All dressed up for another trip to San Antonio for a weight check.

 I love these two kids so much!
 Molly at 1 month old.

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