Sunday, September 23, 2012


I've been trying to remember all the funny things Layton is saying or just random things he comes up with during the day.  He keeps me laughing all day that is for sure.

Tonight we were going for a run and he was riding in the stroller with Molly and he said "Mommy go over there in the dirt so we can make some drive prints with the tires on the stroller."  He said he likes making drive prints with his Ford truck. 

He told one of my friends last week at BSF that "I'm just all grown big up now that I'm 3."

He has been saying "that is good as new" a lot lately which is kind of funny.  Not sure where he picked this up.

"I low downed this song on my phone so I can listen to it now."

He told Grandma Hill today at lunch "If you need me to come work at your house Grandma I'm a good worker."

I was making breakfast one morning and he requested scrambled eggs and he said "Can you crack up some tiny eggs so Molly can have some too?"  He is constantly wanting to share his food with Molly so I've been stressing how everything has to be in tiny pieces and she can't have everything big boys get to have :)

The other day we were at the Pawelek's house for a Bible study and he walked out the front door and one of the other girls noticed.  I asked him to come inside and he looked at me with his hand over one ear like he was talking on the phone and said "Shhh mommy I'm making a phone call."  He gets this from his daddy.

We were in line at Target last week and he was playing with my phone while we were checking out and he randomly asked Siri very loudly "Will you marry me?" and she said you are not the first person to ask.  Everyone around us was cracking up so he started laughing loudly of course.  He loves an audience. 

He likes to make "smoke" with his Ford truck.  Anyone that drives fast down our road makes "smoke."  It is not called dust it is smoke he has corrected me several times. 

We were at HEB the other day and I still have not quite figured out the easiest way to shop with both kids because if they are both in the cart I have no room for the groceries.  If he is out of the cart he touches everything and runs around anyways Molly was in her seat in the basket and Layton was hanging on the front of the cart and I started to push it and he said "Wait Mommy you can't go yet I haven't started the engine" and then he pretends to start the cart and make his engine noises loudly.  I have learned that if I let him help me grocery shop and tell him what to put in the cart he usually behaves a lot better it just takes twice as long sometimes.

He constantly talks about going to work at his office and many times I will ask him if he wants to go play outside or do puzzles etc. and he will say "Mommy don't you know I have to go to work at my office today." 

He seriously cracks me up his little personality is something else.  He acts like he is a grown man sometimes. 

I know this age is hard some days but it is also a lot of fun.  He is a huge help with Molly most of the time and loves to sit and play with her which she loves. 

Last week we were at Old Navy and he found a friend crazy kid!

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