Monday, January 14, 2013

Happy 1st Birthday Molly!

My baby is 1 wow where did the time go?  We have had so much celebrating this last week and Molly was such a good sport at her party.  She really had fun with everyone!  I took her to her 1 year check up last week and here are her stats at 12 months.  She is doing great and right on track for her age.

25 lbs. 6 oz. 92%
30.5 inches 88%

We took her to Stride Rite last week to get fitted for her first pair of real walking shoes and she is wearing a 6 extra wide.  I can't find shoes that are wide enough to stay on her feet these days. 

 The day you became a part of our family :)


You have grown and changed so much in the last year.  You are such a happy baby and wake up in the mornings clapping and smiling.  You bring so much joy to our home!  I have had so much fun experiencing every little stage this last year.  I'm so thankful I didn't have to miss out on any of it.
You are such a little blessing and I'm so glad God chose me to be your Mommy.  You love your big brother so much and even though he constantly messes with you, you always go back for more and can't seem to get enough of him.  I can't believe in a few short months you will be a big sister.  Can't wait to see how you handle all of that.  You love rocking and loving on your babies so I know you will love the new baby.  I'm looking forward to this next year as I know you will grow up and change even more.  I hope you will always remember you are so special and your mommy and daddy love you very much!  Happy 1st Birthday Molly Grace!  I love you to the moon and back!


A couple of things I want to remember from the 12th month

You started saying Papa this month and my dad loves it!
You have really decided you love to eat and eat a lot but are still so picky.
You constantly look for Layton around the house
You took your first steps this month
Your balance has improved so much you stand and drink out of your sippy cup
You still prefer crawling and are super fast at it
You love bath time
You have learned to squeal and scream really loud to get our attention
You can sign more now when you want more food
You finally are weaned completely and drinking 2% milk out of a sippy cup like a big girl
You love to shred paper and then eat it you are sneaky about this too
You love your babies if I ask you where your babies are you will crawl to your room get one and bring it back to me
You love to ride in Layton's Ford truck outside
You enjoy swinging
Your favorite thing to do in the kitchen is empty all my bottom cabinets while I'm trying to cook
You love music and will dance if I turn on music no matter what
You still love me to rock you before nap time and bed time
You are still a Mama's girl and I love that about you

You were kind of over the monthly onesie pictures lol


 With Aunt Amanda at your 1 year check up
 Mini photo shoot at home for her birthday invitations

 Reading with Aunt Amanda on her birthday
 We went to Target and Chick Fil A just the girls on her actual birthday while Layton was at Mother's Day Out.

 The morning of her birthday

 The night before her birthday when I put her to bed

More pictures to come hopefully soon of the party and her birthday.  I'm still waiting on my new computer to come in because mine is completely full of pictures :(

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