Tuesday, August 25, 2015

All About Layton and 6 Year Stats

We had a great well visit for Layton once he turned 6 this summer.  Here are his current stats:

53.5 lbs 83rd percentile
49.5 inches 95th percentile

I feel like it has been too long since I have written anything about Layton.  He is so grown up now and so helpful with the other two kids.  He helps them fill their sippy cups, will get them snacks, help them wash hands, buckle their car seats etc.  He is awesome!!!  His favorite things to do now are build with legos (the tiny ones :)), dress up (fireman, pirate, policeman) he is great about using his imagination, singing, learning to play the guitar, playing with his trucks, riding his bike and playing with Molly and Parker.  They like to build a ship or something and put all their toys together and work lol.  I find piles of stuff around the house and they tell me that is their office on their ship haha.

Layton is reading very well these days and now reads to Parker and Molly some which is so sweet.  He asks lots of questions all the time about what stuff means now that he can read signs in town or road signs.  He is very curious and constantly learning.  He loves one on one time with me or Clifton so we try to do that when we can.  I had some great quality time with him this summer in the afternoons when Molly and Parker were napping.  We colored, read, played games and watched movies.  I already miss summer time.

He prefers to bathe by himself now and will sometimes take a shower and then other nights he still plays in the bath tub for awhile.  He is pretty good about washing his hair and everything on his own.  He loves to go places and try new things.  He is constantly asking to go back to Seaworld and Schlitterbahn so he can ride all the crazy rides.  He also really enjoys riding the tube behind the boat and loves to be thrown off of it.  He is the kid that is not afraid of speed or heights.  He just joined the new Children's Choir at Cowboy Fellowship and is really enjoying it.  He will do Awanas again this year at the Baptist church.  He is a natural leader, a caring friend, has a sweet nature, confident, smart, full of energy and he tells me he loves me all the time.


Mommy loves you to pieces and am so thankful for your life and what it means to our family.  God knew what he was doing when he made you the first born.  You have made all the "firsts" for our family exciting, easy and fun.  I love your "I can do anything" attitude and I know you are going to do amazing things with your life.  I can't wait to see how God uses your gifts that He has blessed you with.  Love you sooo much!  Mommy 

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