Sunday, November 7, 2010

Our Fun Trip to Houston

I packed up the car and headed to Houston with Layton by myself Wednesday night to stay with Amanda and Jerrod for a few days. Amanda had off of work on Thursday and Friday so I decided to take a vacation day Thursday and make a long weekend out of it. Layton stayed awake that night in the car until I got to Flatonia and then finally crashed out. He was excited and talking and talking about going to see "Manda and Jerd." He woke up once we got there at 11:15 and we set up the pack in play unloaded my 50 bags I brought and got settled in. We were in bed by midnight because I was exhausted from driving.

Friday morning we ran a few errands and went by Jerrod's classroom so his teacher friends could meet his nephew Layton. Layton had so much fun playing in his classroom he was showing off to all the teachers and being really funny. One of the teachers even gave him some fruit snacks and he loves fruit snacks so he kept asking for more fruit snacks the whole time we were there. We got to meet up with two of Amanda's friends for lunch and then went shopping for the afternoon. We went back to Amanda's apartment and let Layton nap for awhile and we just relaxed and then met up with Carter and Laura for dinner that night at the Grand Luxe. We taught Layton how to say Luxe and he said it over and over that night it was funny. He also can say Uncle Carter and Aunt Lala now. He got to "drive" Carter's truck in the parking lot and he thought he was big stuff.
Layton decided he was driving to dinner on Thursday night.

Layton loved wearing Jerrod's big basketball shoes around the apartment.

This reminds me of puss in boots from Shrek too funny

Friday morning Amanda went running while I watched Layton, made monkey bread and iced some cupcakes for her wine party that night and then I went running while she watched Layton. While we were there Layton learned my real name because Amanda was calling me Amy the whole time of course. I didn't realize it but Clifton and I call each other mommy and daddy now all the time so that is all Layton ever hears. We tried to get Layton to take an early nap that morning before we headed to the Galleria but he wasn't interested. We were watching and listening to him on the monitor and all the sudden he stood up and yelled "Amy, Amy, Amy I want to see Amy" Amanda and I were laughing so hard we were crying. So then the rest of the weekend he would say Amy and then laugh. We had fun that afternoon at the Galleria. Amanda took Layton to the Lego store and he enjoyed watching the ice skaters and even learned how to say ice skaters. Amanda and I both got our makeup done because we needed some new makeup anyways and Layton crashed out in the stroller and slept an hour and a half while we shopped. We decided to take Layton to ride the train at the zoo after that and he loved it. We had fun taking pictures by all the fountains after the train ride and we saw the ducks in the water. Layton kept pointing and saying "swimming I go swimming." I think he would have jumped in if I had let him. That evening Amanda's friends came over and we had a wine party like the one I had for my friends a couple of weeks ago. It was fun! The nice thing was Laura and Lauren were both able to come and Layton was so excited to see Lauren. I've never seen him act that way. It was like he knew he hadn't seen her in awhile and kept saying her name over and over. I finally got Layton to bed about 10:30 that night as the wine party was going on and after Amanda's friends left it was Amanda, Laura, Lauren and I and we stayed up until 4 a.m. snacking on the leftovers and drinking wine and talking. It was like a big slumber party because they spent the night at Amanda's. We don't ever get a chance to hang out like that just the four of us.

Layton was playing peek a boo here with Aunt Laura and being silly
The next morning it was time to pack everything up and head home. We took Layton to the park for a little bit to wear him out before the long drive home. He slept all the way to Luling on the way home and then we stopped and had lunch and made it home. I had so much fun with Amanda and Jerrod and getting to see everyone else too. I think Amanda had a hard time adjusting to her now quiet apartment after we left. Layton is a little chatter box these days and will talk your arm off and he definitely knows how to entertain everyone. We can't wait to go visit them in Houston again soon.

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