Thursday, November 18, 2010

The small things . . . . .

Tonight as I sit here at my computer I’m thankful for all the small things in my life. Lately life has been crazy busy and I wouldn’t have it any other way. See I’m the type of person that is always busy with something and if I don’t have much going on I find something to make myself busy :) I just sat here and looked through the past 12 months of photos on my computer and wow how time has flown. Last year at this time Layton was saying dada for the first time and now he is using full sentences. Amazing how fast things change. I just needed to take time tonight to take a breather and sit back and remind myself to be thankful for all the small things in life and since Thanksgiving is just around the corner I thought it was a good time to reflect on this. Tonight I’m thankful for:

These are totally random and in no particular order.

Layton’s chunky feet as I put socks on them tonight before bed I told him I’m going to get your tootsies and then he said tootsies over and over laughing. You can’t help but smile.

My loving husband that always pulls me aside for a hug and a kiss when he walks in the door even though I am always doing 500 things in the kitchen trying to get dinner on the table before 8. He makes me stop what I’m doing for just a second.

Bubble time Layton loves bubble time and I love that he gets so excited about it every single night. He even has to say bye bye bubbles when he gets out of the tub.

My long hot baths by myself reading my magazines after Layton is in bed. This is my down time every evening.

The cool crisp fall weather

I'm thankful that God chose me to be Layton's mommy what a blessing he is to me

My brothers, sister, sister-n-laws and brother-n-laws all get along and we truly enjoy spending time together. I can’t wait until next week until we all get to hang out.

The beautiful sunrise this morning I saw on my way to work

For a great group of friends that are always there for me when I need advice on anything

My family is healthy

My big pile of dirty laundry in my utility room right now because I have a nice washer and dryer and I can’t imagine having to wash all my clothes by hand.

The yummy warm peach crisp with vanilla ice cream we had for dessert tonight.

I’m thankful I still have both of my Grandma’s around to share this holiday season with

I have the ability to run whenever I want to. As I saw so many in wheelchairs doing the San Antonio half marathon on Sunday I thanked God for giving me the ability to run that far.

Friday mornings (my favorite day of the week now). . . . . bed heads, jammy feet, pancakes, hot chocolate for Mommy and Sesame Street with Layton

My once a week Starbucks treat Peppermint Mocha before work on Thursdays yummy!

My friends at work that help me get through each day at the office and make it bearable

I’m thankful for my mom that takes such great care of Layton while I’m at work. See I learned how to be a mom by watching her and she has been such a great example for me. I’m so glad she is a part of his daily life.

For two amazing mother-n-laws that love my son so much and play with him and his cousin Mason while I’m at work.

I’m so blessed that Layton is cared for by three special women because everyone teaches him something different and he is a little sponge right now soaking it all up.

My heated seats in my car in the morning when I’m driving to work. I never would survive up north.

My parents are still in love with each other after 34 years of marriage. What a great example to us.

An amazing relationship with my sister I couldn't make it without our daily discussions on the phone about anything and everything under the sun.

I could go on and on forever about what I'm thankful for and I realize after writing these now that a lot of these aren't little things but really big amazing things that I'm grateful for. I hope everyone takes a little time out this holiday season to think about what they have to be thankful for. I feel so blessed.

Tonight I leave you with some funny pictures of Layton. This is what happens when Aunt Amanda takes him shopping at Target.
Layton loves to wear hats and I just love this one on him.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for sharing the things you're thankful for. I enjoyed reading about all the little things that hardly come up during our Enjoy your favorite day!
