Sunday, November 11, 2012

Happy 10 Months Molly!

You are so close to being one now it is crazy.  Your little personality is really starting to shine these days and you are so much fun.  You love to clap and dance to music and can't get enough of your big brother.  Your favorite thing right now is for him to push you around in the cozy coupe car and you wave at everyone.  You are pulling up on everything and cruising the furniture.  You have let go a few times and stood for a few seconds but you are more cautious about standing than Layton ever was.  You were sleeping great but the last few nights have been unpredictable because you have a cold or allergies or something going on.  We are looking forward to your first Christmas coming up.  The only things you say are Mama and Dada these days and mostly Mama when you are crying.  You have always been a Mama's girl and I love it!  You are back to catnapping most days which makes it hard to get anything done but at least you stay happy.  You follow me around the house most days and crawl from one end to the other quickly now.  I can't believe another month has come and gone.  You bring so much joy to our family and I thank God everyday that He blessed us with such a sweet baby girl.  I love you Molly Grace!


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