Sunday, June 23, 2013

Layton is 4!!!

We celebrated Layton's birthday last weekend which happened to fall on Father's Day this year.  We had a fun little party at Chuck E Cheese on Saturday and he had a blast.  It was his first time to go there but that was all he has talked about the last 6 months.  I can't believe we have a 4 year old now!  I don't have his stats yet because his 4 year check up is on July 1st.  I asked him the same series of questions as last year and here are his answers.  Only a few things changed :)

1. What is your favorite color? orange
2. What is your favorite toy? My trucks (the mobile crane, tow truck and jeep)
3. What is your favorite fruit? cantaloupe and apple
4. What is your favorite tv show? Mickey Mouse, Max and Ruby and Doc McStuffins
5. What is your favorite thing to eat for lunch? ham and cheese sandwich
6. What is your favorite outfit? nice shirts and nice pants for church
7. What is your favorite game? Pop the Pig
8. What is your favorite snack? fruit snacks
9. What is your favorite animal? giraffe
10. What is your favorite song? Pirate Flag by Kenny Chesney
11. What is your favorite book? The Zoo Book
12. Who is your best friend? Keeton Winn
13. What is your favorite cereal? Cinnamon Toast Crunch
14. What is your favorite thing to do outside? Play on the playscape and dig in the sandbox
15. What is your favorite drink? water and chocolate milk
16. What is your favorite holiday? Christmas
17. What do you like to take to bed with you at night? giraffe and frog
18. What is your favorite thing to eat for breakfast? cinnamon pop tarts and blueberry muffins
19. What do you want for dinner on your birthday? chalupas
20. What do you want to be when you grow up? a police officer

Layton is still very into music and sings all the time.  Uncle Daniel and Aunt Lauren bought him his own microphone with a speaker and you can hook up the iphone to it and play songs and sing a long.  I think it is by far his favorite birthday gift.  He can memorize lyrics to a song so fast it is amazing.  Maybe he is going to be a country singer someday lol.  He has asked to learn how to play the guitar and fiddle already so I think once he is older we will get him into some kind of lessons.

He just finished swim lessons and did such a good job this year.  He is doing really well swimming without floaties he just needs a little more confidence and I think he will be a little fish by the end of the summer.

Layton loves to play with Molly and is such a sweet big brother to her.  He is always looking out for her and introducing her to everyone.  They also have their moments where they like to pick on each other, poor Molly is going to have to be tough having two brothers.

Layton loves to ride on the 4 wheeler with Daddy in the evenings and he knows if he takes a good nap that he will get to go outside and play.  Some days he can go without a nap but for the most part he just does better with at least a short nap in the afternoon.

Layton will start Pre-K in the fall at an in home place here in town.  He has really enjoyed Mother's Day Out and will continue to go through the summer.  I'm anxious to see how much he will learn this year.

Layton is finally into movies and loves to watch a lot of the Disney movies now.  If he takes long naps we let him stay up some nights and have movie night which is a big deal to him.

Layton asks lots of hard questions all the time and wants to know why about everything.  For example this morning he asked me why there were people out in town that weren't on their way to church and why doesn't everyone want to go learn about God on Sundays?  He has the sweetest spirit and I pray he grows up having a heart for the Lord.

He is very excited about Parker coming soon and told me today that it is taking forever for him to be here.  He also mentioned my belly was huge this morning thanks buddy!

He has also been saying that once Parker comes out he is going to ask God to put another baby in my belly so there can be 4 of them.  I'm not so sure I can handle anymore lol.


I just love you to pieces and you have grown up and changed so much this year.  I feel like we can sit down and have long conversations which we do because boy do you love to talk!  I'm so thankful for the little boy you are becoming and am so proud of the great big brother you are to Molly.  I know you will be great with Parker coming too.  I can't wait to see you learn so much this year as you start Pre-K and it also makes me so sad knowing this is your last year before you start real school.  I'm so thankful for the time that we have had at home together this last year.  We have gotten to do so many fun things!  You and Molly keep me on my toes constantly and make our lives so much fun.  I have never laughed so much as I have this year.  You are always saying something to make us laugh.  I love that you are my outgoing little leader and I know God is going to use those gifts someday to glorify Him.  Happy 4th Birthday Layton!  I love you to the moon and back!

On the way to his birthday party!
 Playing with his present from Nana and Papa
 Opening presents the morning of his birthday
 Playing with cousin Cooper the other birthday boy.  These two share their special day with each other!
 Snow cones after nap time on his birthday!

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