Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Parker is One Month Old

Parker turned 1 month old last week.  I can't believe he has already been a part of our family that long.  He is growing and doing great!  He is still sleeping great at night he goes 6-7 hours and then I feed him and he goes another 3 hours.  This has been a huge blessing!  I need my sleep trying to keep up with three kids all day.  He is finally wearing 0-3 month clothes and size 1 diapers.  I'm not sure what he weighs but he is still long and skinny.  He is awake a lot during the day and has been going through a fussy time every evening.  He only wants me to hold him and screams if I put him down or if Clifton tries to hold him.  That has been interesting trying to manage dinner, bath time and bed time with the other two kids.  I use my moby wrap everyday so I can have my hands free and he loves it.  He fights sleep in the evenings and will eventually wear himself out.

Layton and Molly have been doing good with him.  They both want to help me with him all the time.  I think they are getting used to everything finally and I'm learning how to manage all three kids at once on my own.  We have spent a lot of time at home the last month but we have had lots of fun.  Some days are harder than others but I know the kids will only be little for such a short time I'm cherishing my time with them.  Parker you are such a sweet boy and I'm so thankful God chose us to be your parents.  You have completed our family and I can't wait to watch you grow.  I love you!!!

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