Monday, March 16, 2015

February Recap - The Month of Sickness

Wow these last few weeks have been rough around our house.  Everyone has been sick and all with something different.  This winter has seemed longer than normal.  We are so ready for some warmer weather and Spring time.  We have experienced RSV, double ear infection, stomach bug, fever, croup, pink eye and the flu in the last few weeks ugh.  I'm really hoping things are looking up from here on out.  I'm also so thankful that overall I do have healthy kids things could be so much worse.  We have spent lots of time at home these last few weeks and lots of lounging by the fire and reading.   We have also managed to squeeze some fun things in despite all the sickness.

I've been listening to this book in my car when I have the rare occurrence of sleeping kids and peace and quiet on my drive home from San Antonio.  I'm not quite finished with it yet but it is so good!

 I love sleeping babies and Molly has the best bed for napping.  I've taken a few naps with her lately while Layton is at school and Parker is sleeping in his bed.
 Enjoying some sunshine one evening.

 Headed to church

 Layton and I sat outside one Sunday afternoon while Parker and Molly napped and I worked on my BSF lesson.  We had a few warm days before the cold weather came back.

 Snuggles with these two
 Playtime in Molly's room

 We made a trip one afternoon to our local park that they just finished redoing.  It is nice and the kids had so much fun!

 Layton was so busy playing and I was following these two around I never got a picture of him :(

 Molly in her pretty Valentines Day dress

 We ate on the river in San Antonio one day for lunch with Daddy after one of the many doctor's appts we had this last month.  Parker wasn't feeling great but we enjoyed having lunch outside with Daddy.

 Layton loves to build towers and this one was super tall and fun to build with them

 We all had dentists appts this last month and Molly did so good and got her teeth cleaned like a big girl.
 Meanwhile Layton has my phone while I'm getting my teeth cleaned.  I found a few selfies and videos lol

 I read this book this last month and it was so good!  I highly recommend it.
 I found this in Layton's school work and it made me smile.  The bottom right says Jeerid lol  He loves his uncle Jerrod :)
 Molly enjoyed some painting one morning
 Parker snacked and watched :)

 He wasn't feeling well this day and fell asleep on me which never happens anymore.
 This guy loves to swing all day everyday
 Molly loves to swing and slide.  My kids would play outside all day if I let them.
 I stayed home with him one Sunday morning because he had fever so we snuggled sweet boy!
 Molly ready for a fun day at school
 We celebrated DD's birthday at her house one evening and this day poor Clifton was in bed with fever so he had to miss out.

 I love Molly's face in this one lol.  She has to hold her own with all these boys lol.

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