Wednesday, October 12, 2016

40th Anniversary Family Trip to Rockport

 In July our entire family made the trip to Rockport.  My parents thought it was just our annual trip we always take together but Daniel, Carter, Amanda and I decided to plan a surprise 40th Anniversary party for while we were down there.  My parents were clueless which made the surprise even better.  They celebrated 40 years on July 17th and this was the following week.  It was also my mom's birthday the first day we all got there so we had an ice cream cake to celebrate Nana!

 Lots and lots of fun and stuff when taking 8 kids 8 and under to the beach :)

 Molly loves her some Winston
 Laura and Stella were taking a break in the shade
 All the girls went and decorated the party room we reserved at a restaurant earlier that day.  Everything turned out so nice.  My parents thought we were just going out to dinner for seafood that night. 
 When they walked in they were so surprised and happy!!!

 We took family pictures out by the water at the restaurant before we ate dinner.

 Daniel, Lauren and I had way too much fun digging through old pictures we found one weekend while they were gone to Houston and managed to put together a photo album full of memories from the last 40 years.  Amanda contacted lots of old friends and family and they all wrote funny stories or sweet sentiments to add to the back of the book.  I think my parents will always treasure this keepsake so it was worth all the time and effort we put into it.

 Headed for a bike ride and a walk with cousin Winston
 We enjoyed another full day at the beach :)
 Even Papa and Nana made an appearance at the Rockport Beach the last full day we were there.

 The kids had more fun on Charlotte and Stella's water slide Uncle Carter set up for them one evening.
 Winston even got to watch the big kids play outside
 This girl couldn't get enough Winston snuggles in.

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