Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Molly is 8 Months!

Happy 8 months sweet girl!

This month you have decided food isn't so bad and we have skipped baby food all together.  You are loving table food and the last week you have been sleeping 12 hours straight every night.  You usually sleep from 9-9 which is amazing!  You are babbling like crazy and getting up on all fours and rocking back and forth.  This month you have figured out how to use your walker and now you follow me around the house in it.  You have learned to wave and it is so cute!  You are working on clapping your hands and you have been clapping your toys together.  You make the funniest faces when you try new foods and are so entertaining these days.  You still aren't the greatest napper and will only take about 20-30 minute catnaps in your crib.  If I hold you, you will sleep for 2 hours in my arms.  You are still a momma's girl but think daddy is so funny.  You light up in the evening when he walks in.  You think Layton is hilarious and watch him constantly all day.  As long as he is sitting right next to you all is good.  I love watching you two interact during the day.  You are pretty tough because Layton messes with you all day and you usually don't mind.  I love your big gummy smile and just can't get enough of you.  I love seeing your sweet face every morning when I get you out of your bed.  I love you to the moon and back sweet girl!

 Layton decided to join the photo shoot lol!

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