Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Happy 9 Months Layton!

Our little man is growing up and learning so many new things everyday. Here is a summary of what he is up to these days. He is now cruising the furniture and using his push toy to take a few steps at a time. He pulls up on anything and everything and is super fast at crawling now. He likes to pull up on the back door and watch the dogs or daddy outside. He loves to go outside and blow bubbles or sit with the dogs. He is talking more and more and now says Ba all the time and is finally saying mama a lot which I'm loving. He is waving bye bye to everyone now and will do it on command. He has finally learned the sign for more and has done it a few times. He loves to beat on everything and make funny faces at us. He sometimes will respond when we tell him no but sometimes will continue with whatever he is getting into. He still continues to put everything in his mouth and his top four teeth are all coming in right now which explains all the sleepless nights about 2 weeks ago. He has gone back to his great sleeping schedule and sleeps all night from 9 to 8. He loves to drink cold water now out of a sippy cup and has finally figured out how to hold it himself and hold it high enough so he can get the water out. He has been enjoying the warmer weather because we have been taking him on walks after work in the evenings. He just talks and looks around the whole time. He is still a cuddler and loves to be held a lot in the evenings. He still loves his walker and now I hide behind the counter and chase him and say I'm going to get you and he squeals with delight and then I'll go and run and hide and do it again he thinks it is the greatest thing.

We are slowly making the transition to table food now. He is now eating lots of steamed peas and diced carrots, avocado, mashed potatoes, bananas, apricots, peaches, pears, diced apples, yogurt and oatmeal along with puffs, cheerios, graham crackers, and pieces of dried fruit. He will eat pretty much anything you put in front of him. He gets excited when he sees me go to the pantry and pull the snacks out. He also loves bath time. He starts bouncing and smiling when he hears me turn on the water. He has really gotten into bouncing balls on the tile floor and chasing them or flipping a toy around on the tile and watch it spin around. He claps and laughs when he watches his toys spin around it is the cutest thing. He is also into doors right now he loves to open and close them. That is the first thing he goes for when we set him down.

He is such a joy to be around and I just love watching him play and figure new things out everyday. I can't believe we only have 3 months left of his first year. It has been so much fun and I know will just get better.

We took him to the doctor for his 9 month checkup and here are his stats:

Weight: 22 lbs.
Height: 29 1/2 inches

He is wearing size 4 in shoes and wears mostly 12 month or 12-18 month clothing now. Here are some pictures I took of him on his 9 month bday. He looks so grown up now that he can pull up on our bathtub.

Trying to figure out how to turn on the water

This is Layton's favorite position to sleep in. . . . I love it he looks so peaceful when he is sleeping.
Roar mommy this is my scary face!

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