Saturday, April 17, 2010

Ten Months Old

Layton turned 10 months old yesterday which means he is one more month closer to turning one. I'm hanging onto these last few months of him being a baby and trying to cherish every moment with him. I never realized how fast babies grow until I had my own.

We have been trying since last weekend to start supplementing with formula because I have gone through all my milk I had frozen and just can't keep up with him anymore pumping at work. Layton has been so stubborn he pushes the bottle away if there is even an ounce of formula in the bottle. My mom was able to get him to drink a little bit this week but it has been a challenge. I think we are making progress though Clifton was able to get him to drink 4 oz. yesterday so hopefully he will get used to the new taste. I know I'm ready to pack up my pump it is time.

The past few days Clifton and I were talking it seems like Layton has grown up he thinks everything is so funny and is in such a great mood all the time. There for awhile he was whining all the time and only wanted me and would cry when I would walk out of the room even if Clifton was holding him. He has also started sleeping later which is awesome; he is still sleeping right now and it is 9:40. I don't know what to do with myself. Yesterday he took a 3 1/2 hour nap and I was able to get a nap in too. I think his teeth have finally stopped hurting him until some more decide to come through. He has four teeth that you can see now and has two more top teeth coming in now. He loves to eat finger foods, he is such a great eater. He will eat anything we give him and loves to feed himself. We have been giving him lots of different kinds of veggies and he eats all of them. He will only drink cold water out of a sippy cup and does not like juice. He has recently started to dance when music is playing and it is the cutest thing and he will hum now too if we sing to him. My dad has also taught him to say Papa and he says that all the time now. He will also say bye bye now when he waves. Here are a few pictures of what Layton has been up to this week.

He loves to stand at the back door and watch Roscoe and Daisy and beat on the window or if Clifton goes outside he wants to stand and watch him.
The music table has provided endless hours of entertainment and he now dances with the music.
Here he is after his bath this week he loves bath time!
This is Layton in action in his room cruising the furniture

and he has learned how to open this cabinet and he knows there is stuff in there that he isn't supposed to have so this is his favorite thing to do in his room right now.
He loves to open all of his drawers and empty out everything so much fun to clean up
He likes to talk on the phone and my old cell phone is one of his new favorite toys

Here is a short video of him dancing to his music table

Today is Mason's first birthday party so it should be a fun day. More pictures to come!

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