Last weekend I went to Rockport for a few days with my parents and Grandma because Clifton had a leadership retreat for our church at Alto Frio. We had the opportunity to take Layton to the beach for the first time. He wasn't quite sure about the sand at first but then he decided it was fun to play with. It was still pretty chilly out there and the water was really cold but it gave us a little taste of what summer will be like with him. Once he is walking I think he is going to love the beach. We had a great time down in Rockport we enjoyed some great seafood and that Saturday it was Market Days down there so we walked around there and then went to all the little shops downtown. Needless to say Layton got lots of attention all weekend from everyone and it was nice to have some help with him. He was such a good baby all weekend. He is so much fun to be around.
Here he is at Panjos with Grandma the first night where we had dinner.
Loving on his Nana
Playing the next morning in Nana and Papas RV
At the beach for the first time
Layton learned how to climb stairs in the RV too and he also managed to fall down them twice while we were there. He also loved to crawl towards the door of the RV whenever anyone opened it so we had to keep a really close eye on him the whole time.
Reading with Papa
Pattycake with Papa
Swinging on the swings for the first time like a big boy at the park in Rockport
He loved the swings!
Walking with mommy around the pond looking at all the turtles and ducks
We made it back home on Saturday afternoon and Layton did great on the drive to and from Rockport. We timed it perfectly during his afternoon nap so he slept the whole way which was nice. It was nice to get home to see Clifton. We decided on Sunday afternoon after church to take Cooper and Layton to Medina Lake to try out a boat we might be buying. It is has a lot more room and is more family friendly.
At Daniel and Lauren's house playing in our boat
Here are Layton and Cooper riding to the lake.
Layton in his car seat
Cooper in the boat
By the time we made it to the lake and got the boat in the water it was time for Layton's lap and I think the sound of the boat and the riding around put him right to sleep. He slept the first hour we were at the lake.
Once he woke up he really enjoyed it!
The water was way too cold to get in and it was chilly out on the water but it was fun to ride around and get some sunshine. The lake is really low so hopefully it will catch some rain before this summer. Cooper and Layton both loved "driving" the boat.
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