Monday, May 17, 2010

Eleven Months

The count down begins to Layton's first birthday. Wow I can't believe we only have one month until our baby is turning 1. Time is flying by and Layton is changing so much everyday. He is learning so much and talking more and more. He now says "tactor" for tractor, "ha" for hat, "sak" for snack, "papa" for his papa, "baba" is his bottle, mama, dada, nana, ball, light, cheese, shoes and we are working on a few more new words. He is really into trucks, tractors and basically anything with wheels that he can push. He loves to pretend he is driving. Layton loves attention and lots of it he has to be the center of attention now all the time. He is watching everything we do and trying to copy dada. He points at the lawnmower and says dada and he loves to watch Clifton mow the grass from the window. He is walking more and more which is kind of scary because he falls a lot and most of our house is tile or hardwood. We have had some bumps and bruises already and I'm sure lots more to come. He gets so excited when he is walking he goes faster and faster and falls into us when he is coming towards us. He is also really into doors still. He loves to open and close them. He is also enjoying books more and more he will actually look at the pages while you read instead of trying to eat them. We know he weighs 24 lbs. now because they weighed him last week when I took him to the doctor (no wonder my back and shoulders are constantly bothering me). We are going to enjoy this last month of Layton's baby stage and cherish every moment with him before he becomes a big boy next month. Here are a few pictures of our 11 month old.

He loves this big truck book and he looks at it by the hour and makes his truck noises.
Here are a few action shots of Layton walking from the game room to the living room. For those of you that have been to our house you know this is a pretty good distance. He was so proud of himself walking all over the house tonight.
Here he is playing in the toy basket

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