Monday, June 11, 2012

5 Months Old


I can't believe you are already 5 months old wow time is flying by!  I absolutely love this baby stage you are in right now.  You are just the happiest baby and smile so big at everyone your whole face lights up.  You always smile real big when someone talks to you and then hide your face in my shoulder and act shy it is the cutest thing!  You are showing more and more of your personality everyday and you are wanting attention from us constantly.  Between you and your big brother Mommy is busy all day long but I wouldn't change a thing.  You only cry now when you are hungry or tired and as long as Mommy is around you are content and happy.  You are a Momma's girl for sure but you think Daddy is pretty funny in the evenings now.  Layton is the one that you are most interested in all day.  You watch him constantly and smile and laugh at him.  He loves you so much and I'm so thankful y'all have one another. 

You have tried cereal and oatmeal in this last month and you still aren't real sure about either one which is fine with me.  You constantly spit it out so I feel like it is kind of a waste of time right now.  You are content with nursing every 3 hours still during the day and you sleep 9-10 hours at night which is amazing.  You usually wake up between 6 and 7 and I feed you and you will easily go back to sleep if I lay you down unless we have somewhere we have to be early.  You take 2-3 naps a day now and are so flexible.  You will sleep in your car seat which is nice because we are on the go a lot keeping Layton busy.  You are finally sleeping at night without being swaddled and are now in a sleep sack because you get so cold.  You have discovered your feet this month and as soon as I lay you down to change your diaper you grab them so proudly and suck on them.  They are your favorite toy these days.  You are rolling both ways now and starting to sit up on your own.  We traveled to College Station and Rockport in the last month and we have realized you don't sleep that great in a pack in play you prefer your own bed :) 

I just love you to pieces sweet Molly Grace you bring so much joy and love to my days.  Your Daddy and I are so blessed to have you and Layton to share our life with.  You are so special and I hope you always remember that.  I thank God everyday for choosing me to be your Mommy.  Happy 5 Months sweet baby girl!


Children are a gift from the Lord; they are a reward from him.  Psalm 127:3


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