Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Layton is 3!!!

Layton's 3 Year Stats:

36 lbs. 83rd percentile
40 inches 90th percentile
He wears a 4T in shirts and shorts now and a size 10 shoe

Some funny things I want to remember about Layton at this age are:

He told Amanda while we were at lunch Sunday "I had to shave this morning before church Amanda, just my face and chin."

"Mommy one day when I grow up I'm going to be an adult."

"Once I learn all of my letters I'm going to Kindergarten."

"I turned one more number on my birthday mommy."

We were at Juli's house a week or so ago and he was playing with Tanner's hula hoop and he called it a "hoop a loop."

He calls granola bars vanilla bars and I'm not really sure why.

Layton is in the whining stage for sure but I just call him Whiney McWhinerson and he starts laughing and usually stops and says "Mommy don't call me that.  My name is Layton."

He has become extremely independent lately and insists on getting dressed, brushing his teeth, getting in his car seat etc. all by myself.

He adores Molly and gets so excited when she wakes up in the morning.  He is constantly messing with her all day.  She usually just laughs at him but has now figured out how to grab onto his hair and pull.  She is going to have to be pretty tough to keep up with big brother.  He is pretty good at upsetting her too and loves to wake her up which is not cool at all.

He would eat fruit snacks all day everyday if I let him.

He walked out of my parents house yesterday and my dad asked him what he was doing and with his hand up to his ear he said "I'm just making a phone call real quick."  He is Clifton's son for sure :)

He is terrified of the smoke detectors in our house still.  Thanks Uncle Jerrod!

He is a master negotiator!  He is constantly saying "Well if I eat all my vegetables then maybe I can have dessert."  He already knows how to work it.

He is a great sleeper and sleeps all night from 9 to about 6:30 or 7 and still takes a 2 hour nap on the days we are at home.  I hope this continues for awhile :)  He still falls asleep in the car so easily which is good but sometimes it is hard to transfer him to his bed once we are home.

He wakes up in the morning and runs to our bedroom I can usually hear his little feet on the tile coming.  He grabs the remote and then brings it to me and says "Mommy can I watch my show?"  He likes to watch Mickey Mouse while Mommy gets up and moving.

He told Molly the other day "I'm showing you my angry eyes Molly." I think he got that one from Potato Head in Toy Story.

Every night he reminds me when we are going to bed we better pray for Amanda and Jerrod in Africa.

Last week at Layton's 3 year well check he told our pediatrician "I like to watch that Swamp People show with my daddy.  You know the one with the alligators."  She started laughing.  We were in the swamp theme room at the doctor so I'm sure that is why he brought it up.

Layton sings non-stop these days and knows the lyrics to so many songs.  His memory is really good when it comes to music.

I did a little interview with him and am going to ask the same questions every year to see how they change.

1. What is your favorite color? orange
2. What is your favorite toy? My trucks and tractors
3. What is your favorite fruit? cantaloupe
4. What is your favorite tv show? Dora the Explorer
5. What is your favorite thing to eat for lunch? hamburger
6. What is your favorite outfit? shorts and t-shirts
7. What is your favorite game? chutes and ladders
8. What is your favorite snack? fruit snacks
9. What is your favorite animal? giraffe
10. What is your favorite song? Jingle Bells
11. What is your favorite book? Goodnight Moon
12. Who is your best friend? All my friends are my best friends
13. What is your favorite cereal? Berry Captain Crunch
14. What is your favorite thing to do outside? Ride my Ford truck
15. What is your favorite drink? water
16. What is your favorite holiday? Easter
17. What do you like to take to bed with you at night? giraffe and frog
18. What is your favorite thing to eat for breakfast? blueberry muffins
19. What do you want for dinner on your birthday? chalupas
20. What do you want to be when you grow up? a doctor


You have the sweetest spirit and are so full of life all the time.  You keep me on my toes for sure with your constant questions about everything.  I love how curious you are about your little world and how much you like to learn.  I have learned that being at home with you I have to keep you busy constantly or you find ways to get into trouble or you act up to get my attention.  I know I am going to miss these days when you are older so I'm truly cherishing our days together.  You have grown up so much this last year and are turning into such a sweet little boy.  You watch out for Molly all the time and when strangers talk to us you introduce yourself and then tell them about your sister Molly.  You will talk to anyone and are very outgoing.  You get this from your daddy that is for sure.  I can't wait to see how God is going to work in your life.  Three years ago you changed me forever and made me a Mommy.  The best job I will every have in life.  Thank you for making our life so much fun these days and filling our house full of laughter.  Your daddy and I love you so much and are so thankful God chose us to be your parents.  Love you to the moon and back!


 First birthday at the zoo
 Second birthday in Rockport with cousin Cooper

 Third birthday party at Kiddie Park

1 comment:

  1. Love that little guy!!! Such a cute interview! I loved some of the answers!
