Thursday, January 21, 2010

7 Months Old

Layton turned 7 months old on Saturday. He rolls around on the floor so fast now we really have to watch him. The days of putting him on our bed or on the couch and turning around to do something are pretty much over. He is such a busy body these days and still really trying to crawl. The past few weeks he has really been a cuddle bunny which I absolutely love. In the evenings he won't let me put him down which makes it hard to get dinner ready and everything else done around the house but I know this will be a short phase and once he learns to crawl he won't want to be held as much. I'm enjoying all the baby hugs and kisses while they last. He has said Mama a few times now but Dada is still his favorite thing to say. He also says gaga and baba now and I'm still really trying to teach him some sign language although the only one he has signed back to me so far was milk. He loves to do pattycake still and laughs all the time now. Baby laughs are the greatest thing in the world. He is still a great sleeper but about once ever week or so he will wake up in the middle of the night and get up on all fours in his crib and start trying to crawl and get mad and then start to cry. I usually just go in there put his pacifier back in his mouth and he will lay down and go right back to sleep. We feel truly blessed to have such a healthy baby too it makes all the pumping at work and time I put into nursing him worth it. He also pats me on the back now when I hold him which is funny. When I pick him up after work he starts flapping his arms real fast and panting like a dog he gets so excited! We are having so much fun with him everyday it just keeps getting better and better. Here are a few pictures of him in his overalls at 7 months. . . .

This one I just had to include we set up his pack in play in the dining room area so he can play while I cook dinner and he likes to suck on the side of it. He will put anything in his mouth that he can. Clifton and I couldn't stop laughing at him doing this the other night.

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