Sunday, July 17, 2011

First trip to the movies

I was brave last Saturday and decided to take Layton to the movies to see Cars 2.  He was very excited about it even though he really had no idea what I was talking about.  We went to the 4:25 showing so he had a good nap before hand.  I thought he would be all over the yummy popcorn with butter but he took a few bites and then kept saying "mommy you eat it."  The movie was really cute but we didn't quite make it through the whole thing.  It is 2 hours long and after an hour and a half Layton was getting restless and talking too much so I asked him if he wanted to go home and he said yes.  Of course once we got to the car he started crying because he wanted to go back but he did pretty good for a 2 year old I think.  He sat in my lap for awhile or on the steps in the aisle because we were in the really small old theater in Pleasanton.  He was more impressed with the lights on the steps I think than the actual movie.  I think I will wait until he is a little older to try it again.  Now every time we pass the theater he asks if he can go and then answers "Layton didn't sit still at the movies."  Too funny he heard me tell him a few times that day to sit still.  Here are a few pictures of our trip to the movies.

Here he is asking me if he can take his truck and trailer to the movies.

Sitting in the movies checking things out.

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