Thursday, May 17, 2012

Molly is 4 Months Old

This is a little delayed but we just had Molly's 4 month check up yesterday so now I have her official stats to post.

18 lbs. 97th percentile
25 3/4 inches 89th percentile

She is just as big as her brother was at this age and I absolutely love it!  She has rolls everywhere which makes bath time a challenge trying to get her clean but she is like a big teddy bear.  This is just the sweetest age she is smiling all the time and laughing.  She has really started drooling a lot the last few weeks and chewing on her hands and anything else you put near her.  She lights up when Layton is around and has really started noticing our voices.  She is very aware of who is holding her and has gotten so much better with Daddy.  She finally will go to him and is content and likes to smile and laugh with him.  Molly is rolling from her tummy to her back but still hasn't figured out how to roll the other way.  She loves to be swaddled at night but we will hopefully be breaking her of this soon because she is getting way too big for the swaddle blanket.  We got her ears pierced yesterday at her checkup and she didn't even cry she just sat there.  She looks so cute with them and they don't seem to be bothering her.  Molly is a great sleeper and sleeps 10 hours.  She usually will sleep from 9-7 which is amazing.  She still isn't on a great nap schedule and prefers to take cat naps throughout the day but my pediatrician assured me that this was normal for breastfed babies at this age so I guess I can't complain.  She naps the best in her swing still but only for about 30 minutes at a time.  She loves to be rocked to sleep and then I lay her down and swaddle her up and she usually opens her eyes and smiles and then she is out.  Molly is still taking prevacid twice a day for her acid reflux.  It seems to be working great and she still spits up a lot but she is happy so I just do lots and lots of laundry :)  Molly has become very vocal this last month and now squeals sometimes.  She is cooing constantly and making lots and lots of noise.  She is wearing 6-9 month clothes now and size 2 shoes.


You are just the sweetest little baby and are so happy all the time.  I just can't get enough of you.  I love going to get you out of your crib in the morning and seeing your whole face light up and smile when you see me.  I'm just so thankful to be your mommy and you add so much joy to our family.  I feel blessed to spend my days with you and your brother.  I am so grateful that I will get to spend the rest of my days learning exactly who you are and who you will become.  I love you to the moon and back sweet Molly Grace!!!


 This picture just makes me laugh Layton was feeling left out that morning and he wanted a sticker too.  He decided he would be 1 month old for the pictures lol.

1 comment:

  1. Was searching for my GF's blog and came across yours. Loved your thoughtful reasoning and description and pictures of having your dd's ears pierced as an infant. I think you were a super smart mommy for doing it now when mommy can care for them. She'll thank you later!

    Our ped also encouraged to do it when mommy could care for them. I think babies and little girls with pierced ears are adorable. It celebrates their femininity and femaleness. Like you, I kept seeing babies and little girls with earrings and how cute they were with little gold studs in their ears poking through their hair.

    Our ped gave me some suggestions for moms having their infant dd's ears pierced as well as for "Tips for moms having their dd's ears pierced/Care of Newly Pierced Ears."

    If you or any other moms thinking about it and want to do it now or would like them, write me an e-mail.

