Sunday, May 13, 2012

Mother's Day 2012

Almost three years ago Layton made me a Mommy and it has been the most rewarding experience of my life.  Once Molly was born life just got even sweeter.  My love just grew for both of my sweet babies.

Holding my babies for the first time:

Here are a few things I have learned about motherhood in the three short years that I have experienced this crazy ride.

  • My babies are growing up way too fast.  I wish I could slow things down.
  • Take lots of pictures so you can look back and remember all the great times and all the craziness too.
  • The laundry never ends I seriously feel like I wash clothes every single day and I’m never caught up.
  • My house will never be clean like it used to be but seeing the toys scattered everywhere and crumbs on the floor at the end of the day are just sweet reminders of great times with my kids.
  • There is always time to rock my babies.  Nothing more relaxing then having them curled up on my chest. 
  • I have so much respect and appreciation for what my mother did for us growing up.  I had no idea being a mom was so hard.  I love you Mom I don’t know how you did it with 4 kids.  I think you were and are the ultimate SUPER MOM!
  • When times are hard I must lean on the Lord to help me through them.  I could never do this mommy thing on my own.
  • I cherish family time so much more now and look forward to the weekends when daddy is home and we can do something fun together as a family.
  • Nap time is mandatory at our house now.  Some days Mommy needs a nap too.
  • Being a mom is the messiest job I have ever had.  The other day Molly had spit up on me three times by 9 a.m. and then pooped all over my leg while we were in the waiting room at the doctor.  It always happens when we are not at home.
  • I have learned that play time is way more important than dishes.
  • Boys like to play in the dirt and get dirty enough said.
  • Never leave home without diapers and wipes.  Always be prepared for anything.
  • I have never used so much hand sanitizer in all my life.
  • Getting out of the house with both kids takes five times as long as it did with one kid.
  • You can never have too many burp cloths.
  • Being on time anywhere is a luxury now.
  • Seeing our kids with their grandparents makes me thankful we live so close to all of our family.
  • Raising kids seriously takes a village.  We would never make it without all the love, support and encouragement from our family and friends.
  • Things never go as planned so I have learned to control my expectations.
  • Sunday mornings are challenging to get everyone up, dressed, fed and to church on time but it is so worth it.
  • Flexibility is key when you are a mommy.
  • Kids are so forgiving and sweet.  Layton constantly tells me I love you Mommy and it melts my heart.
  • I’m far from perfect and make lots of mistakes as a mommy but I’m doing the best I can.
  • Some days are just rough but thankfully we can start fresh the next day and make it better.
  • Parenting is hard work but so much fun.
  • My kids have taught me what it means to love unconditionally. 
Dear Layton and Molly,

I thank God everyday that He chose me to be your Mommy.  Life is so much sweeter because I get to share my days with both of you.  I feel like on Mother's Day we should be celebrating you two because y'all are the reason I am a Mother.  I love you both so much and thank you for teaching me what life is all about.

With all my love,

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