Saturday, November 21, 2009

5 Months Old

Layton is now 5 months old and he weighs 19 lbs. Here is what our little monkey is up to these days. Our little chunkster says "dada" now and Clifton is loving it. Everything is dada right now. He can sit up for about 10-15 seconds unassisted before he falls over. He can roll over and over to get from one side of the room to the other. His new thing is hitting everything. He hits the bottle when Nana feeds him and he hits me when I'm feeding him. He bangs on everything right now and wants to touch everything. He loves to pull mommy's hair and is reaching for our food now when we are trying to eat. He loves to jump in his jumperoo and now jumps in his exersaucer too. He plays with his feet all the time now. He takes three 45 minute naps a day usually and is sleeping pretty consistently from 9:30-6 but occasionally wakes up in the middle of the night looking for his pacifier. He has slowly started eating some cereal and we gave him some sweet potatoes the other night and he loved them. I'm sad because he is growing up way too fast buy he is becoming so much more fun everyday. Mondays are hard for me when I have to go back to work after spending three days with him. Here is a video of him saying dada.

Eating some cereal:

I love this face he makes!Sitting by the fire with mommy:

Napping with daddy:

1 comment:

  1. Wonderful little boy!! Or should I say....healthy little boy!! :) You are going to be so glad that you are "journaling" all of his changes. I wish I had with Emma and I am trying to with Sam. I love reading your blog!
