Sunday, November 1, 2009

Cereal Time

Last week Layton decided he wasn't going to sleep through the night anymore. He started waking up every 2 to 3 hours wanting to eat. Our pediatrician told us this would be a good sign that he was ready to start cereal. After three nights of me up with him I was exhausted and was willing to try anything to get him to sleep through the night again. Layton wouldn't eat the cereal he spit it out and cried. I don't think he was quite sure what to do with his tongue and the spoon. We tried for three nights with no luck so we eventually put a little cereal in a bottle and gave that to him before bed and he slept all night again. The cereal started bothering his tummy so we stopped giving it to him altogether for right now and he is sleeping all night again thankfully. We will probably try again in another month or two and see if he is ready to eat it off of a spoon. I'm guessing this was just another growth spurt or phase he was going through. Here are some pictures of us trying to feed him cereal.

Here are some pictures of Layton in his big boy boots. I tried them on him the other night to see if they would fit and they do. He wasn't quite sure what to think of them.


  1. Hey Amy! Layton is too sweet! Rice cereal bothered Peter's tummy when he was that age and so we switched to oatmeal cereal and he did really well with that. You might ask your pedi if its ok if he starts waking up again at night! Love his boots!

  2. We might have to try that because once again he is waking up at night. He won't eat it from a spoon he makes this horrible face when we put the spoon in his mouth. Just when I think we have him figured out he changes.
