Sunday, November 8, 2009

Nice Weekend

This weekend Clifton and I were very productive at the house. I haven't mentioned anything about this because it is a sore subject at our house these days but we FINALLY got the tile replaced in our game room, office and Layton's bathroom. Long story short the tile that was originally laid in our house was defective and has been coming up over the past 2 years. We have tried to have it fixed sections at a time and it just keeps coming up. We ended up picking out new tile and are in the process of having our entire house re-tiled. They will be back in another week or so to do the other side of our house. Needless to say we had a huge mess to clean up starting Friday night when the grout finished drying. I was anxious to get started because Layton has been sleeping in a pack in play in our dining room way too long because his room was packed full of the furniture from the game room and office. Layton was trying to be patient with us Friday night while Clifton and I cleaned baseboards, light fixtures, mopped the floor, and scrubbed the bathroom but we really couldn't get much done until he was in bed asleep. Clifton and I decided we better get as much done as we possibly can while he is asleep so we stayed up until 2 Saturday morning cleaning and then moving all the furniture back into the rooms. Unfortunately Layton didn't get the memo that Mommy and Daddy were exhausted and would want to sleep in a bit on Saturday morning and he was up at 7:30 ready to face the day. After a few failed attempts of us trying to get him to go back to sleep after I fed him we decided to get up and pick up where we left off. Clifton cleaned the back porch from top to bottom while I moved all of Layton's stuff out of our room into his room. I managed to go through all of his clothes and put away all the clothes he has already grown out of. I think he has more clothes than I do these days. I can't imagine having a little girl it would be ten times worse I'm sure. Layton enjoyed playing on the carpet and rolling around in his room while I organized everything.

After a full day of cleaning and laundry Grammy D and Justin, Natalie and the kids came over for some chili and beans and then some s'mores by the fire outside. We had a great time hanging out with everyone and Layton really enjoyed sitting outside by the fire. I'm so happy to have Layton in his room in his crib. He slept great last night so I'm hoping for another great night.

Today we hung out at home it was rainy outside so we rented a movie and took it easy most of the day. Clifton had two appointments this afternoon so I managed to nap while Layton napped this afternoon. Layton had fun in his new jumperoo after he woke up from his nap. He is so funny he waits to see if we are looking at him and then he jumps like crazy. He loves attention these days! Here are a few pictures from our busy weekend.

Layton the lizard, he has rediscovered his tongue this past week.

Natalie, Sadie and Baby Layton

Layton with his Grammy D
Enjoying his new jumperoo

This weekend we decided it was time to put away Layton's swing. This was the last time we put him in it he decided to hang out over the side of it and swing his head around. He lasted about 5 minutes in it and then made it very clear he was done with it.

Laughing with daddy

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