Tuesday, October 4, 2011

26 weeks

I am 26 weeks along now and had another doctor's appointment last week.  This was the first time my doctor measured the baby based on my belly measurements and she said the baby is measuring big so expect another big baby.  We talked briefly about me being induced again since everything went smoothly last time and she said she would induce me a week before my due date if the baby continues to measure big.  She said to tentatively plan on January 3rd so right after Christmas and New Years.  It seems so far away but that is only 13 more weeks which I know will fly by.  This week I've made some to do list of things I want cleaned out and organized in the next few weeks.  I also made a list of things we need for Molly before she comes and things I would like to sew for her too.  I know everything will get done somehow and we are almost finished with her room.  It is coming together nicely I'm just waiting on a few more things to come in that we have ordered.  We are still trying to decide on a chandelier for her room there are just too many options.  I don't have a good belly picture to post this week but I will work on getting Clifton to take one of me.  The only one I have is of me taking it in our mirror of myself so I can put it in my pregnancy journal.  It is hard because Clifton and Layton are asleep in the mornings when I leave for work and then after work I've been going straight to the gym so I come home all sweaty and tired.  I've seen this posted on several blogs so I thought it would be fun to fill in. 

Pregnancy Highlights:

How Far Along: 26 weeks
Gender: A GIRL!!! Molly Grace Shearrer
Maternity Clothes: Yes and my jeans with just the little elastic are starting to cut into my belly so I'm going to have to start wearing the big panel ones soon.  My belly has really grown in the last two weeks.
Belly Button: Hasn't popped out yet but it looks different than it used to.
Movement: I feel her move all day it seems like.  Sometimes she moves really fast and jerks around in there especially after I eat something.
Sleep: I'm still sleeping pretty good despite having to get up multiple times a night to go to the bathroom.  Some nights indigestion will keep me up but Tums usually do the trick.
Symptoms: Having to go to the bathroom all the time all day long at work.  When I work out my left leg goes numb (it did the same thing with Layton).  Major indigestion especially at night.  Other than that I really can't complain this has been another easy pregnancy so far.
Cravings: Mexican food, salt and vinegar potato chips, diet cherry limeades from sonic, candy corn pretty much anything that is bad for you.
Best moment this week: Listening to Layton talk about how he is going to help get Molly to sleep because he doesn't want her to cry too much and he is going to show her how to play with the toys in her room.

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