Saturday, December 29, 2012

I'm Back

So I'm finally back to play catch up but now you all know I had a really good reason as to why I haven't been updating this as regularly as usual.  This momma has been EXHAUSTED!!!!  Keeping up with Layton and Molly and everything else going on during the Christmas season and going through the first trimester of pregnancy I deserve a break lol.  I've tried to continue to take lots of pictures of the kids I just haven't had the energy at night to sit at the computer and blog.  We have had lots of fun this week just hanging out at home mostly. 

Let me fill you in on how we found out we are expecting AGAIN!  Back at the beginning of November I noticed how tired I was and one morning I woke up feeling nauseous and decided why not just take a pregnancy test and rule that out.  I figured for sure it would be negative since I was taking the mini pill and still nursing Molly and it came back positive immediately and I kind of freaked out.  I was SHOCKED!!!!  I was a little nervous to tell Clifton that night when he came home because we had just had a discussion and he thought two kids was best for our family.  He was beyond excited which made me excited even though I was extremely worried about having two little ones so close together.  The next day I was getting used to the idea and Clifton came home early from work just to check on me and to talk about everything.  He was being so sweet because he knew I was a little anxious about it all since I'm a big time planner and this was truly God's plan for our family not my own.

That evening everything happened so fast I started cramping and having other issues and called the doctor on call and he said I was probably miscarrying because my body just wasn't quite ready yet for all of this.  He said everything in my body is fighting against it and told me to prepare for what was to come.  He told me to go to the doctor the next day for blood work.  I was devastated and Clifton remained positive and told me not to jump to any conclusions.  I called my mom crying that night and explained to her what was going on.  I had blood work done the next morning and talked to my doctor's nurse and thankfully my doctor decided to see me since I had no timeline of when all this happened and had no clue how far along I might be.  She decided to do a ultrasound and there was an empty sac and no heartbeat.  She told me based on everything she saw that it looked like I was miscarrying and prepared me for what would happen over the weekend.  This was on a Friday that Clifton and I went to the doctor.  We both left the doctor's office that day sad and discouraged but knew that this was all in God's plan and if he wanted us to have this baby in our family we would.  We ate lunch at Cheddar's and I could barely eat my stomach was in knots.  After we left the doctor I had zero issues over the weekend and nothing happened like the doctor said would so Monday when I went in for more blood work I was hopeful.  I didn't find out until that Wednesday that my HCG levels went up and looked good.  I was so thankful and they told me to come back Friday for another ultrasound.  I was nervous but knew God had a plan and had a peace about the whole situation that day.  We saw a strong heartbeat as soon as they started the ultrasound.  We were both so excited!!!  I was 6 weeks 3 days at that point.  She seemed really surprised and said "You know Amy sometimes God's plans are better than our own.  This baby was meant to be."  We left with pictures of our tiny bean and our hearts filled with joy but decided to keep it a secret except for the grandparents and a few close friends since we knew we had a long road ahead to make it through the first trimester.

Fast forward to December 13th we had another ultrasound and doctor's appointment and everything looked great I was measuring 11 weeks!  That brings us to today I'm 13 weeks and I still can't believe it.  We told Layton and everyone else after the last appointment.  He was so funny he said "You have a baby in your tummy right now?  It doesn't look like it, well when is it coming out?"  Then he decided he wanted a baby brother and maybe we should name it Chad lol.  So that is the story and yes Molly and the new baby will only be 18 months apart but I know this will complete our family.  Even though it will be hard at first I'm excited and I know it will be fun having three little ones 4 and under.

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