Monday, December 31, 2012

Molly is 11 Months

This post is a little late but I'm completely out of space on my computer so I've had to delete duplicate pictures and bad ones just to make some room for some new ones.  Thankfully I have ordered a new computer and hopefully I will get it soon :) 

Molly turned 11 months December 3rd and she is so much fun!  She constantly babbles and pretends everything is a phone now and holds it up to her ear and has a little conversation.  She is really into dolls now and will hug on them and rock them.  It is so cute!  She started standing now on her own and is getting a little braver doing this but is still very cautious.  She is super fast at crawling and will get from one end of the house to the other so fast.  She is into everything these days and loves to make a mess.  She likes to dump stuff out and put it back in.  Layton is such a good big brother and they play pretty well together.  Molly gets so mad when Layton takes stuff away she screams now and has learned to throw a pretty good fit.  He is really good about looking out for her and will come tell me if she is doing something she shouldn't or into something.  I love watching the two of them laugh at each other and play. 

Molly is eating so much these days she usually eats more than Layton does.  She is getting better about trying new things and different textures.  She has become a great sleeper at night and has been sleeping 12-13 hours straight every night.  She still doesn't take the greatest naps but I'm okay with that since she sleeps so long at night.  I think she is afraid she might miss something with Layton. 

Molly I can't believe you are so close to turning 1 you have been such a blessing to our family and I have loved watching you grow up these last few months.  You are such a sweet girl and I'm so thankful God chose me to be your mommy.  Love you!

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