Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Happy 4 Months Parker Man

Wow 4 months already how can it be?  You have grown so much this last month you are not a tiny little baby anymore.  You can hold your head up so well now and don't mind tummy time anymore.  You are rolling over and trying to sit up to see what is going on.  You have started getting distracted while nursing lately if Layton and Molly are around you have to see what they are up to.  You still love to be held and are talking and squealing constantly.  You are finally out of our room and in your crib in Layton's room.  It seems to be working out well.  Once we moved you to the crib we had a few rough nights and now you are waking up once at night to eat but lately it has been between 5 and 6 in the morning.  You always go back to sleep until about 7:30 or 8:00 so I can't complain.  We haven't started solids yet but probably will soon.  You must be growing a lot because you are wanting to eat often.  Here are your 4 month stats:

15 lbs. 15 oz 52nd percentile
26" long 82nd percentile
size 2 diapers and 6-9 month clothes

You did awesome on your first flight to Dallas.  You were a great little traveler.  I'm trying to soak up the infant stage because it is passing so quickly.  You usually don't nap very long in the afternoon so we get to hang out while Molly naps.  You still like the swing for naps, playing in the exersaucer, sitting in the bumbo and the bouncy seat.  I love you so much sweet boy!  So thankful for another awesome month with you.  Love you to the moon and back.


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