Saturday, October 24, 2009

Four Months Old

We took Layton to his four month check up this week. He was such a happy baby during the whole visit and was babbling and squealing at the doctor. He even managed to spit up all over the doctor when she was checking him out. He is still topping the charts with his growth. Here are his stats at four months:

18 lbs. 2 oz. (96%)
26 1/2 inches (92%)

The doctor explained to us that he would probably start to slow down on his growth which is a good thing. He is growing out of his clothes so fast these days. She also told us we could start feeding him some cereal whenever we are ready. We haven't tried it yet but will probably start that real soon. The shots weren't too bad he only cried for a few seconds and as soon as I picked him up he started smiling again. Later that night he was really fussy and that night did not sleep well. Since he got his shots he hasn't been sleeping very good at night. It is hard being up with him after he has been sleeping all night for so long. I'm hoping this is just another growth spurt and that he will start sleeping better again.

At four months he can roll from his tummy to his back and his back to his tummy. He loves to blow bubbles ( I think his cousin Mason taught him this one). He can squeal and laugh and loves when his Daddy plays with him. He loves bathtime and has finally discovered that he can splash. He babbles a lot and his cousin Cooper can make him smile they can speak to each other in their own language :) The drool never stops and he is constantly putting his toys or his hands in his mouth. He loves to play in his exersaucer and has learned how to push all the buttons that make all the noise. He likes to be propped up where he can see what is going on and refuses to lay down unless it is time to eat. He also loves to play peek a boo with mommy. During the day it is hard for me to feed him he is so active and gets distracted so easily now. He loves to go outside and has become more aware of the dogs outside, he loves to watch them. Here are some pictures of him at 4 months old.

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