Monday, September 27, 2010

Happy 15 Months Layton!

Happy 15 months to my sweet baby boy! Layton is growing up and learning so much everyday I am making myself sit down and document everything he is doing these days before I forget it all. We took him to his 15 month checkup last Friday and his stats are:

Height: 33 1/2 inches tall 97%
Weight: 27.8 oz. 84%

Besides the allergic reaction discussion at the doctor, we got a good report. Layton's vocabulary has increased so much in the last three months the nurses and doctor were impressed. The nurses walked in to give him his shots and said "hey guys" and then of course Layton repeated and said "hey guys" back to them it was really funny. He is asking for stuff or telling us what he wants and using some small sentences these days. He says "I want _____. He is also associating people with places now. The other day we passed the gym as we were driving through town and he started pointing and yelling "Tanner Tanner!" I always meet my friend Juli at the gym and her daughter Tanner is always in the Playcare with Layton so I thought it was funny that he noticed the gym and remembered Tanner's name randomly. He associates church with Papa because we always see him there and he also said Bible the other day when we mentioned church. He tells us mommy's car or daddy's truck and lets us know whose stuff is whose.

He loves to play in the bubbles so bath time is always an easy thing for us. As soon as we mention bubbles he starts running to the bath tub screaming "I want bubbles" over and over again. When we brush his teeth we must let him do it first and then mommy or daddy helps him finish otherwise it is a really big fight. As soon as we start drying him off in the tub he starts saying teeth and Elmo because he has Elmo toothpaste. His two favorite things right now are Thomas the Train and Elmo. We have some books of both of these characters and he has really gotten into them and notices when we see Elmo on random things. He also says choo choo every time we drive across the railroad tracks in town.

We have also had a fair share of fits these past few weeks. He is stubborn and knows what he wants and he wants it now. He periodically goes through the screaming thing too which is annoying to say the least but we are diligently trying to break him of this. Many times he will scream and then tell himself no no which isn't funny but sometimes it is hard not to laugh when he does stuff like that or like the other day he obviously repeated what I said and said "you hear me" after I told him no. Lately he has been attached to mommy and wants nothing to do with daddy unless it means going outside. I think it is a phase he is going through but right now if I walk out of a room he is whining and following me.

He still loves his paci but he is only allowed to have it at nap time and bed time. He now tries to sneak it and if we leave them on the edge of the bed that isn't against the wall he will stick his hands through the slats in the crib and grab one. Then he comes and shows us like he is so proud of himself. We make him take it out and give it back to us and then he always says "bye bye paci." I'm not looking forward to weaning him from the paci soon. We have finally made the transition to one nap which is nice because it usually is two to three hours in the afternoon when he is at home. Layton continues to be a great eater and will taste anything. His favorite things are any kind of fruit, cereal bars or animal crackers but he is really good about eating his meat and veggies first so he can have his "dessert."

He can say and point to his nose, eyes, ear, mouth, teeth, belly, toes, foot, finger, hand, hair etc. He can now say and point out puppy, kitty, duck, octopus, cow, horse, turtle, frog, goat, sheep, and for rooster he always says cock a doo which is funny. He is also very attached to his cousins Cooper and Kyleigh. He thinks every baby is Kyleigh and he is so sweet to always love on her when he sees her. He can now actually say "Cooper" and no longer says "Pooper." He also points out Daniel and Lauren in pictures now and if I tell him we are going to Cooper's house he will start naming off all of their names. Layton is really going to miss them when they move to College Station.

He is a social butterfly and loves loves loves attention from anyone. He will wave and say "hello" or "hi" to anyone in the store. He very rarely acts shy around strangers. His personality is really developing and he loves to talk. When we are in the other room and he is reading his books in his room he talks in his own little language really fast and then all the sudden he will raise his voice while he is reading. I wish I could catch this on video. We read books all the time to him and he can't get enough of them. He brings them to us and it is usually the same one we have read 10 times that day :) We read at least five books before he goes to bed or he just isn't satisfied and at least one of those has to be a Thomas the Train book. I noticed the other day when we were around his cousin Mason that he tries to steal all the attention when the two boys are together. He will do anything to get the attention on him. Mason is so laid back he just rolls with it. Layton still gets really excited on Monday and Thursdays when he gets to spend the day playing with his cousin Mason.

He is learning everyone's name and will point to pictures and tell us who is who in the pictures. He has a really good memory because we tell him things one time and then he repeats it and remembers it. He is so much fun these days and we are truly enjoying this stage we are in with him. At times he challenges us to say the least but I know someday we will look back on these days and wish they were back. I'm truly trying to spend every chance I get in the evenings playing with him and just spending time with him. It is still so hard for me to be away from him all day while I'm at work. I thought it would get easier but sadly I think the older he gets the harder it is because he can interact with me so much more now. I'm thankful for my long weekends and cherish every Friday that we get to spend together hanging out. Here are a few pictures I've taken recently of our very active little toddler.

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