Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Not the Easter we had planned. . . . . .

Last weekend Layton woke up on Saturday morning with 105 temperature.  He woke up crying that morning which he never does so I knew something was wrong.  I immediately woke up Clifton and I called Leigh Ann (Clifton’s stepmom) who is also a pediatric nurse practitioner.  I knew he needed to be seen by a doctor asap and in an hour the other hostesses for Juli’s shower would be showing up to our house.  I was a little stressed but thankfully Leigh Ann agreed to meet Clifton at her office at 9 that morning.  Poor Layton had a double ear infection and strep throat.  With Daniel and Lauren and the kids at my parents house they had no where to go during the shower and there were too many young kids at the shower for them to come home and hide out in Layton’s room.  Thankfully he called Tommy and Sharon and he was able to let Layton nap at their house until the shower was over.  Needless to say we were trapped at home the rest of Easter weekend with a very sick kid.  I was so disappointed that Layton wouldn’t get any more time with his cousins Cooper and Kyleigh and that we would miss the Easter service at church and Easter lunch at my parents house.  We had a quiet low key Easter morning at home playing with Layton.  He was so excited to see all of the stuff the Easter bunny brought him.  We blew bubbles outside and just hung out as a family.  My parents felt sorry for us so they brought us some lunch which was delicious.  Layton continued to run fever all day on Sunday.  After he woke up from his nap that afternoon Clifton went to hide the eggs outside and we had a little Easter egg hunt for him.  Once he figured out that there was candy inside of the eggs he would find one open it and eat the candy immediately.  It was hilarious!  Layton had lots of fun even though he was sick.  I was sad not to get to spend time with Daniel and Lauren but I knew we didn’t need to get Cooper and Kyleigh sick too.  Clifton and I both ended up getting strep throat later on in the week which was no fun but we both caught it early enough it wasn’t too bad.  Here are some pictures from our Easter weekend.

Finding all of his Easter treats:

 This is one of the coolest pictures I have ever taken :)

 Eating M&M's

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