Wednesday, May 11, 2011

What's That?

We have definitely reached the questions phase of the toddler years.  Layton is constantly asking what's that now all the time.  He is so curious about everything all of the sudden.  He has been talking so much lately and using long sentences so here are a funny things I want to document that he has been doing lately.

My mom has some old fisher price binoculars that were ours at her house and Layton calls them "binoculators."  Not sure where he got that but I can't help but laugh every time he says it.

I told him Aunt Amanda was coming to stay with us this weekend and he said "Are we going to Rockport?  Mommy and daddy going on a cruise ship again?"  He remembered last time Amanda came that they went to Rockport together while mommy and daddy were on a cruise ship.  I thought it was cute that he remembered all of this.

Layton now has a loud fake laugh and will do it for attention.  The other night we were at Cody's baseball game and Layton was laughing so loud with his fake laugh he had everyone in the stands laughing with him.  He loves to be the center of attention all the time.

Tonight after I gave him a bath I was putting his jammies on and he said "I saw Wesley on the tractor at the Bullfight and I waved to him."  I was like yes you did and then I couldn't believe what a long sentence that was.  We went to a bullfight last weekend that was sponsored by Cowboy Fellowship.

Layton is obsessed with riding the Ranger with daddy.  The other day when Grammy D (Clifton's mom) was leaving she said "I love you Layton" he replied "I love the ranger!"  what a silly boy.

Layton is doing great at school and finally this week in the morning when Clifton dropped him off he didn't cry and put his backpack up and said "Bye daddy I go play outside."  I'm glad he is adjusting well.

He is also going through a phase where he wants me to hold him all the time and he says "mommy hold you."  I love that he still likes to be held but wow he is getting heavy.  I think he is around 33 pounds now.

He reminds us at dinner if we don't pray.  The other night we sat down to eat and he said "We need to thank Jesus."  He is watching everything we do :)

He loves to help me water the plants outside in the evening and does a great job.

Tonight he told me "T is for tiger and T is for mama."  Haha He has been learning his letters and sounds at school the past few weeks.

He is still very much afraid of the vacuum and he has a loud truck that stays in his closet that he constantly reminds us "I don't like the loud truck."  He will go to the other side of the house if I am vacuuming.  He has started telling me that he doesn't like mommy's hairdryer now too but yet he loves the lawnmower, weed eater and blower.  I don't get it because those things are all so loud.

He has turned into such a big boy about going to bed he tells us now "mommy I go read books and rock."  Then when we finish reading books he says "I want to get in bed."  It is the easiest process I hope it continues like that when we decide to move him into a big bed.

Swinging with Nana:

 He loves to wear my shoes.
 He loves to ride piggy back or ride the horse.  Every night after he takes a bath I take him for a ride.
 Eating dinner at Nana and Papa's house
 I just love this picture of my mom swinging with Layton.


  1. I knew Amanda and you guys when I was little and have enjoyed keeping up with her blog...I saw yours on there and had to check it out!

    Little one's say the sweetest things :)When Farrah really started talking she always said..."Hold you me pwease!!!" Your little man is a cutey...loved his sayings too :)Hope your week is full of joy!

    Love through Christ,

  2. Hey Whitney yes I remember you and I have checked out your blog too. Your kids are adorable and it looks like they keep you busy. Thanks for supporting Amanda and Jerrod on their big trip to Africa. I know God is going to do some amazing things over there through them.

