Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Molly's First Week

Molly's first week flew by so fast.  She had her days and nights mixed up for a few days and needless to say I was extremely tired but thanks to the help of lots of family I was able to nap some during the day.  We had lots of help with Layton and he has been spoiled lately by everyone.  We had to take her to the doctor that first morning we were home because our pediatrician wanted to check her jaundice levels one more time before the weekend.  Thankfully everything came back normal so we didn't have to do anything further.  She weighed 8 lbs. 9 oz. at the doctor that morning so she had lost some weight but the doctor said by her two week check up she should be back to her birth weight.  At this point Molly was pretty content and only cried when she was hungry or dirty.

All dressed and ready for the doctor.

 Big brother helping her out.
 My sister went with me to San Antonio to the doctor and then stayed at our house all afternoon so I could get some rest.  She got lots of Molly time in too.

 We let big brother go play outside a little and he loves looking for big sticks and then hauling them in his new Ford truck.
 Sleeping so sweetly on the swing outside with us.
 Layton checking on Molly.
 Kisses from big brother.

That night Carter, Laura and Jerrod all came into town and we had dinner over at my parents house.

 Flowers from one of Clifton's business contacts.  They were so pretty.

 I love her chubby cheeks :)

 Carter and Laura stopped by our house Saturday night before they headed back to Houston.

 Sunday my parents came and spent the day with me because Clifton had to be at church and had meetings afterwards so I was so thankful for the help with both kids.

 Later that night Grandpa and Granny Leigh came by to see us.
 Layton got Molly to smile and we actually caught it on camera.

 Monday Amanda came back for some more Molly time and to help me.  Molly is sporting her onesie that Amanda and Jerrod bought for her in Africa.
 I decided to try out the Moby wrap I think I will be using this a lot.

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