Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Bubble Bath

Layton took his first BUBBLE bath last week and he loved it! I was hesitant to use bubbles in his bath water because his skin is so sensitive and his eczema flares up so easily especially in the summer time. He received some bubble gum flavored bubble bath as a birthday gift from one of our friends so I decided to try it the other night. We had fun making bubble beards and he liked putting the bubbles on my arm. Now when I say lets go take a bath he says "Bubbles" real loud. Here are a few pictures of Layton in the bath tub.

I think Layton is thinking Mommy stop taking so many pictures I'm trying to take a bath here.

1 comment:

  1. Cute pictures! I love his little teeth. They are so cute when they first start getting teeth. I really like the one at the top of your blog!
