Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Clifton's Birthday Weekend in College Station

Last weekend we went with my parents in their motor home to College Station to see Daniel and Lauren and the kids.  It was my first time to go anywhere over night since November so it was nice to get away.  Molly was an excellent traveler and slept mostly on the drive.  We had so much fun staying with Daniel and Lauren and between the four kids there was never a dull moment.  They all kept us laughing and on our toes.  Carter and Laura came to hang out all day on Saturday and we got to skype with Jerrod and Amanda.  We were talking to Amanda on skype right before we were about to eat lunch so we had her pray for our meal.  It was kind of neat her being on the other side of the world praying for us and it was like her and Jerrod were there with us.  I'm sure it was hard for Amanda to see us all together having fun but it was such a blessing to see her and talk to her and Jerrod.  Clifton's birthday was on Sunday so it was fun to celebrate all weekend with everyone.  We ate lots of good food all weekend and did a little bit of shopping.  On Saturday Lauren, Laura, my mom, Molly and I all went and got pedicures.  It was so much fun and it took a little convincing to get my mom to go because she never treats herself to a pedicure but I think she had fun and realized why we love it so much!  Thanks again Daniel and Lauren for hosting us and letting us take over your house for 3 nights we had a blast!


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