Sunday, November 7, 2010

Fall Festival

We took Layton to our church Fall Festival on Halloween night and he had so much fun. I had to help run a booth for a little while and Layton loved riding on all of the toys in the toddler area. We were stopped numerous times asking if they could take a picture of the wagon or asking us where we bought our Thomas wagon. Layton was a big hit and he loved all the attention. He was waving at people and saying choo choo all night. This year his cousin Mason "Charlie Brown" came to the festival along with his Grammy D, Granny Leigh and Grandpa Corky. We also took Layton to see his Nana, Papa, Great Grandma Hindes, Joe and Great Grandma Hill before the festival so they could see him all dressed up. Layton had a busy afternoon and was worn out by the time we left. We spent the evening over at my parents house after the festival was over trying to cheer them up since it was their first night back after telling Daniel, Lauren and the kids goodbye in College Station. Here are some pictures from Layton's 2nd Halloween:

Layton with his Great Grandma Hill

Layton with Nana and Papa

Our little Train Conductor
Layton with his Great Grandma Hindes
Layton with his Granny LeighEmersen and Layton

Our cousins Caden and Dillon
Layton and his Grammy D

Aunt Leslie and cousin Mason
This was the best we could do trying to get the boys together for a picture.
Dillon and Layton
Cousin Riley with Layton
Tanner and Layton

William "Woody" and Keeton "Buzz"

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