Thursday, November 18, 2010

San Antonio Half Marathon

Sunday I ran the San Antonio Half Marathon again and I finished woo hoo! My sister and my friend Kellie ran it with me; well Kellie and I ran way behind my sister but we were all there together. I’m so glad I did it this year even though I didn’t have much time to train for it. I ran the whole way which was a first for me no walking this year and improved my time by 25 minutes from last year. Kellie and I stayed together the whole way which was nice to have a running buddy for the whole race. It was so much easier this year as last year I was still nursing Layton so that complicated things a bit. The weather was perfect this year, I enjoyed the bands and saw a lot of neat things along the course. There were so many people running in memory of someone or for a great cause and lots of funny signs along the way. At mile 12 I saw a mom pushing her son in a wheelchair and she had obviously been pushing him the whole way and she was sobbing through that final mile. I got tears in my eyes as I passed them and tried to imagine how tired she was because I knew how bad my legs were hurting and she was pushing someone else (an older kid) that whole way. What a neat experience for both of them. It is also fun to watch everyone cross the finish line to see what people will do. Many people cry and hug and others dance it is just a neat thing to be a part of. After the race we walked downtown and enjoyed some much deserved Mexican food and a margarita and then drove home. I was able to shower and take a two hour nap that afternoon in front of the fire while Layton napped. I woke up feeling so much better. Here are a few pictures we took of our fun day.

At the expo on the red carpet ha

Layton at the marathon expo

These guys were advertising a run but I wish I had a picture of Layton staring at them. He wasn't sure what to think of them.

At 5:15 am at the AT&T center parking lot ready to go

Amanda finished way before we did so she was able to get a picture of us coming to the finish line

So glad to be finished

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